“KANSAS CITY, Mo. September 30, 2015 — Absent a zombie apocalypse before then, Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback this week will sign a proclamation designating October as "Zombie Preparedness Month" in his state.
The ceremony is planned for Wednesday at the Capitol, a reminder of the need to be prepared for any emergency. Kansas Division of Emergency Management staff will be on hand.
"If you're prepared for zombies, you're prepared for anything," Brownback said in a statement.”
Zombie Preparedness Month? In Kansas? Really? And is this what elected state politicians in America think is important, spending taxpayer time and money preparing their residents for a zombie apocalypse? And people wonder why American voters are fed up with politicians?
According to a Gallup Poll, the most important problems facing Americans in 2015 were: Government, The Economy, and Unemployment. Though issues such as terrorism, healthcare, race relations and immigration have emerged among the top problems in recent polls, government, the economy and unemployment have been the dominant problems listed by Americans for more than a year. Zombies did not make the list.