For a full week I have been very anxious and nervous about the results yet I am forced to keep waiting - for the lab to do the testing, send the results to the doctor, and for the doctor to let me know the outcome. The procedure is taking too long, or the results are too slow to get to the doctor, or both. A week? Two weeks? A month? That's not acceptable. Patients throughout America are sitting on pins and needles awaiting biopsy results and being told whether or not they have cancer. In some cases, the biopsy results can mean life or death, yet these patients are being forced to wait weeks or longer to find out their lab results. That's bullshit. Biopsy bullshit.
The U.S. labs that do biopsy testing MUST speed up the process and/or get the results to the doctor faster. Why? Because biopsied patients in the United States of America should NOT have to wait weeks, or months, to find out if they have cancer!!!