Here comes El Nino. It's here already, in Los Angeles. Recently we had huge rainfall and mudslides which closed the main road from Los Angeles to Las Vegas and stranded hundreds of motorists for days.
The worst is yet to come.
According to meteorologists, in L.A., "We will encounter numerous stormy periods. The biggest problems will result from heavy rainfall. These storms could produce flash floods and all the associated calamities. If we receive large amounts of precipitation in short periods, flooding could develop in unexpected areas. Mudslides and debris flows will likely start in the numerous burn areas across the region. After extended periods of rainfall, the potential for mudslides will spread to all the foothills and mountains.
Coastal flooding will also be a major problem. Strong storms can produce enormous waves. Combining elevated surf with increased sea levels, due to the warming, increases the likelihood of damaging tides and flooding. Numerous piers and coastal structures have been destroyed during previous El NiƱo events."

Oh, great! Flood and mud. Floodslides. As for me, I live at the base of a small mountain in the heart of Los Angeles. Just what I need this winter, to be swept away in a furious flash flood or a murderous mudslide! So, what will I do? Well, I could move before El Nino hits. I could move to what will become a warmer, safer Alaska this winter. Or maybe I will beat the rush and move to Cuba, soon to be the #1 travel destination in the world, as soon as the Castro brothers finally die and Donald Trump builds a bunch of casinos and hotels there. Or, I could simply stay here in Los Angeles and hope to survive numerous floods and mudslides (floodslides) this winter, a winter which will prove to be extremely miserable weather-wise. Hmm, yes, maybe I will just stay in L.A. and buy some new rain gear -- and a kayak.