Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System
From Fox News
"Even as the Obama administration announces another $120 million in grants to boost solar energy, new reports indicate a centerpiece of the administration's green-energy effort is actually a carbon polluter.
Located in Southern California's Mojave Desert, the $2.2 billion Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating System benefited from a $1.6 billion Energy Department loan guarantee, and a $539 million Treasury Department stimulus grant to help pay off the loan.
Yet it is producing carbon emissions at nearly twice the amount that compels power plants and companies to participate in the state's cap-and-trade program."
Huh. So the government gave $2.2 billion dollars in TAXPAYER FUNDS to a solar power plant that ended up actually polluting the environment at twice the acceptable rate? There are so many things wrong about that:
Green energy that doesn't work or isn't green
Extreme environmentalists
Global warming zealots
Wasteful government spending
Why is the government promoting and funding and forcing alternate power sources that don't work efficiently or are economically unfeasible? Or, in this case, why is the government wasting $2 billion of OUR money on a solar power system that pollutes?
Obviously, this is another brilliant government idea that, in reality, cost a fortune and went way wrong, making things w-o-r-s-e. And, according to liberals, we should have MORE government?