from MyNewsLA
A federal law to phase out killer whales in captivity is the aim of a Burbank congressman ...
Rep. Adam Schiff said at a Friday press conference that he would introduce the Orca Responsibility and Care Advancement (ORCA) Act, which would end Shamu shows with this generation.
“Specifically, it would prohibit the breeding, the taking (wild capture) and the import or export of orcas for the purposes of public display,” said his office ..."
Really? This is what our elected Congressmen, our representatives to Washington, do all day, save the orcas? Though it's a wonderful and humane thing to save animals (and mammals) I think there may be other more crucial issues facing our nation and it's taxpaying citizens. Issues like the economy, poverty, the loss of U.S. status around the world, crime, terrorism and, last but not least, out-of-touch politicians who do not address and fix the REAL problems of we, the people.