You just interviewed, and now you have 24 hours to give a yes or no.
By Laura McMullen, jobs.aol.com
"Pat yourself on the back, because you just nailed the interview. It was a long, exhausting day that left you with a lot to think about, but now you're just focused on rewarding yourself with a glass of wine and a Netflix binge.
Except – wait – what's this? Your interview finished minutes ago, and these guys are offering you the job! Oh, by the way, they need to know if you'll accept within 24 hours.
These on-the-spot job offers are becoming increasingly common, says Ryan Sutton, a district president for the specialized staffing firm Robert Half. "Companies, rightfully so, are afraid they might not have the opportunity to get a candidate back in for one more step," he says.
Some companies have had an opening for months and are eager to pounce when they finally find a good fit. Others are giving you only, say, 24 hours to decide in an effort to avoid the counter-offer, Sutton says, or to prevent you from considering your pipeline of competing opportunities. "They're almost trying to catch the emotion of the job search, versus the intelligence of a job search and making sure it's a good fit," Sutton says."
Hey, this is not new. It happened to me, way back in 1969, on my first job interview in ruthlessly competitive New York. The company needed to hire some good new people ASAP. The interviewer assessed me, told me about the job, asked me a probing trick question (which I answered correctly) then excused himself, checked with his boss and came back and told me, "You can start TODAY".
I thought about it, not for 24 hours but for 24 seconds, said "Yes", and started the job 24 minutes later.
And if you want to read a great book about how to get a job I can recommend one. It's called: How To Get A Job