Ben Affleck - ready for winter in L.A.
I'm Stu Pitt and I'm COLD. At my Los Angeles residence, it was 48 degrees at 8 AM today, November 4. I went out to empty the trash, it was c-o-l-d outside! L.A. is supposed to be WARM, not cold. In warm and sunny L.A., when it's under 50 degrees, we're not used to it and it feels like it's freezing.
I have now taken out my winter jackets and will have to start wearing them. With long underwear and sweaters underneath. I will have to switch from air conditioning to heat, both in my residence and in my car. Today I'm thinking soup for lunch!
Suddenly, it's winter in Los Angeles. Boom! Suddenly, it's cold. I don't like it. I like 80 degrees or more. And sunny. That's why I moved here, decades ago, from the East Coast!
Luckily, it's usually 72 degrees in L.A. on January 1st, New Year's Day.