from MyNewsLA
"Much of the Southland (L.A.area) will be under a “no-burn” order through Thursday, meaning indoor fireplace use and outdoor wood burning will be prohibited due to pollution concerns.
The South Coast Air Quality Management District originally issued the order only for Wednesday for all residences in the South Coast Air Basin, including the greater Los Angeles area, Orange County and the Inland Empire. But pollution forecasts prompted the agency to extend the order through Thursday."
Our government in action. "No burn" days. The Pollution Police. The government is spending taxpayer time and money regulating fireplaces, fireplaces in private residences. Fireplaces? Yes, fireplaces - NOT the biggest problem facing the L.A. area and it's 15 million residents.
People spend a lot of money for a home in L.A. (the average price for Los Angeles County was $780,000 in 2014) and now, thanks to some anti-pollution government agency, they can't even use their fireplace(s)?
What's next, regulating home barbecues? "Hi, we're the Pollution Police. We're arresting you for polluting - and barbecuing without a license".