Bright sunshiny day

On a Saturday morning, in late January 2017, I went for a walk and was treated to a beautiful day. It was 11 AM. The sun was shining, the sky was bright blue, there was not a cloud in the sky, and it was 67 degrees. In January. I didn't even need a coat. I walked, basking in the warmth and sun. As I walked I felt good. I needed some sun. And some warmth. 67 degrees and sunny. In late January? This is winter? Hell, yes, in L.A. this is a g-o-o-d winter day. That's why I live here.

As I walked I realized that much of the world was deep in snow and/or freezing cold. And here I was, walking in sunshine and warmth.

As I walked I felt truly appreciative and grateful. Appreciative and grateful for this beautiful day, a bright, warm, sunshiny day. In late January. I am a lucky guy - and I know it. And for tomorrow, the forecast calls for sunny and 75 degrees!

And, yes, I do know winter, real winter, cold and snow winter. I grew up with winter, on the East Coast. In New York. It was no picnic. When I was in my 30's my body was cold from mid-December to Mid-May. Yes, every winter it took me 5 months to warm up! Yes, that's why I moved to Los Angeles.