the future?
I am just waiting for human cell phone implants. Yes, science fiction often becomes science fact. Like Dick Tracy's radio wristwatch of the 1940's, we now have the cell phone. Soon, people will have electronic devices implanted in their bodies. And in their brains. You want to be connected? You will be, 24/7. Human electronic devices. I predict that someday all babies/young children will be implanted with electronics. Someday, everything in life will be "electronic". Everything in a person's life will be controlled via their electronic implants. Driving a vehicle is already becoming undesirable and "old school". As a result of the ever present electronic device, thinking will be a thing of the past, TV sets will become obsolete (oh, wait, they already are), schooling will be unnecessary, as all knowledge will be available in the blink of an eye (literally). Verbal communication will disappear and human vocal chords will become extinct. Human face-to-face interaction and socialization will cease to exist. Friends and mates will be replaced by lifelike robots who will cater to our every whim (hmm, now THAT sounds like a good idea!)
Welcome to the future. The future is now. The future will not be for humans, it will be for machines. It will be for electronic devices, implants and robots. It's a good thing I probably won't live to see it.