Judgement Day
Try not to dislike someone until you know them personally. Or see them in action. Try not to discriminate based on race, color, religion, gender or sexual preference. If you do, you might be making a big mistake. Just because someone is different, or looks different, or acts different, doesn't make them unlikeable. The only thing that really matters is: are they an asshole or not.
Liberals tell us not to judge. Ever. They're wrong. It's human nature to judge or pre-judge. It's in our DNA. It's normal. That doesn't make it a good thing. It makes it something to overcome, to better yourself. Not by passing laws but by a desire to be a better person.
I have learned not to judge a book by its cover. Or, if I do, I try to overcome my initial feelings and give a person a chance. Many many times have I been surprised to find a really strange, very different, highly radical looking person (male, female or whatever) to actually be very nice and very interesting. Surprise! Who knew? The only way to find out is to find out. Say something. Say something like "Hello". See what happens. Sometimes you don't get a response, or get a bad response, and sometimes you have a terrific conversation and make a new friend. I have met wonderful people - with tattoos and blue hair, and terrific gentle people that looked like scruffy scary giants. The real person was there, under their strange and different outer shell. I made an effort, I said hello. Then, I found something interesting to comment on. "I like your hat" or "I like your shoes, where are they?" or "I like your hair color, it's different. It's a rainbow". Then I give them a chance to respond.
If you find out they're an asshole, walk away. If they're not, you may grow to like them. Or even love them. You don't know until you find out. Give everyone a chance.
Try it. It's way cool. And you may often be pleasantly surprised.