Hi world! It’s March 17. Today, it’s 83 and sunny in Los Angeles, a beautiful day. Finally, it's warm and sunny, after months of cool 50-degree weather (it’s called cold in L.A.) and lots of rain all winter. The weather is supposed to be "tropical" here in L.A. Finally, in mid-March, we are being treated to a few warm and sunny days.
However, starting Wednesday, L.A. will be returning to cloudy 60-degree weather and rain. That’s typical Spring weather you can get ANYWHERE in the U.S., and beyond. Hey, Mother Nature, it’s supposed to be 80 degrees and sunny here, every day, not 60 degrees and rainy! Warm and sunny. 330 warm and sunny days a year. That’s why tens of millions of people live here! That’s why I live here!
If this crummy rainy weather persists, people living in Los Angeles will have to get a mini-umbrella for their cell phone.