Through personal experience I discovered a new, terrific and quick way to reduce stress.
Here's how it happened and how it works...
I was experiencing shortness of breath and what felt like an irregular heartbeat. These are common symptoms of atrial fibrillation (AFib) or arrythmia. I am susceptible to both. It went on intermittently for days. It usually goes away on its own, and I did not want to go to the ER and spend hours waiting for the diagnosis of AFib. Especially since I did not have any chest or arm pain. I also thought maybe the shortness of breath and irregular heartbeat was not a heart problem but maybe due to stress and anxiety. I was having plenty of both in my life, and had also run out of fun and rewarding things to do in my spare time. What if my feeling bad was caused by stress? I decided that, if it was my mind, my subconscious, that was making me feel bad, I didn't care. I was tired of feeling bad. I mentally told myself, "I don't care." And I felt better! The symptoms reduced/stopped. Huh? Yes, telling myself "I don't care" immediately reduced my stress and anxiety. I tried it numerous times over the next few days when I felt bad/ill and it helped, every time.
Saying "I don't care" silently and convincingly to myself doesn't mean I permanently don't care, it just reduces/stops the stress for awhile and seems to reorient my brain to prioritize feeling better. I do not say, "I don't care" out loud if there's someone around or I am having a live conversation.
Later, I saw a neighbor friend and stopped to talk to her. I mentioned my new stress-reducer technique. As she is always under a lot of stress she was interested. She wanted to try it. She wanted to say, "I don't care" silently and convincingly" to herself. When she did her facial features lightened up. She smiled. "I feel better!", she said. She did the technique again. She exclaimed, "It works! I DO feel less stressed. I DO feel better." She was amazed. She also immediately looked healthier, and happier. And younger. The technique worked for her.
I will now use the "I don't care" technique whenever I don't feel 100% or feel bad from a lot of stress. I will not use it if a real and serious disaster happens (THAT I care about) but when I feel stressed due to everyday living and its stresses.
It helps. For me, it takes the pressure off, reduces stress, at least temporarily. And, if I am able to first care for myself, help myself, I am better prepared to help others.
For legal purposes, I am hereby stating that this technique is not scientific or medical. I am simply sharing my own personal experience (and that of a friend) and am not promoting or recommending the use of my "I don't care" technique. If someone uses it they do so at their own risk and I am not liable.